Thursday, September 22, 2011

Give Away!

I thought a give away was in order to celebrate my new blogging spot!

A Huge Thanks to everyone who moved over with me. I'm still bringing over older posts as I post new, so be sure you have subscribed at Crafty Earth Mama

I'll be giving away 2 body butters to 2 subscribers. Winners will be chosen randomly on Oct 1st!
You can enter 2 ways
#1-subscribe to Crafty Earth Mama.
#2-If you've already subscribed or want a second entry, leave a comment at this post on CEM and let me know how you like the new blog.

Fall is here and it's getting a bit chilly. Keep your skin and hair moisturized and smelling good naturally with Head to Toe White Chocolate Body Butter! It's 100% Organic with no parabens or phthalates.

Let the entries begin!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Invitation to my new spot!

Hi Everyone!
It's been awhile between posts. So much has been going on, including a big move into our new home. I have alot of new projects going on and alot of catching up to do, so look for many posts in the upcoming days!
Please join me at my new blogging home
Crafty Earth Mama
I'll be migrating my older posts from here as well as updating new in the next couple of days, so please bare with me!
Thank You!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Health Freedom Expo 2011

It's that time again. I'm really excited to see who will be exhibiting this year!
This expo is always filled with all kinds of wonderful organizations to get invloved with and new products to try.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Countdown to My Daughters 1st Birthday

Has it really been almost a year? Yes it has.
It's been an amazing year and Mommy hood has been better than I could have ever imagined! Miakoda's birthday is March 17th and we will be spending the whole day together.
The following weekend, my husband and I are putting together a small dinner with close family and friends to celebrate. She will be one and although she's smart as a tack, themes, bounce houses and the like would be lost on her. We tend to gravitate to more natural celebrations anyways, so a small gathering it is. We will spend the time eating good food, having fun and most important, loving up on my sweet little one!
So on to the countdown.
Here is what I have done and what still needs to get done for the gathering.

Make Birthday dress and Party dress- Finished over the weekend, just need to hand wash and dry.
Make fabric Birthday Banner- collected fabric scraps, etc. will be done Wednesday
Make "Guess my Age" board- haven't started yet
Finish 20 questions game and make printouts- will finish tonight
Put together 2 prizes- keeping it simple, have a few ideas in mind
Finish 1 year video- currently working on
Finish 1 year scrapbook- not going to happen, i haven't even started it :)
Shop for menu items- got some will shop for the rest at Friday's farmers market
Make edible fruit display- will get fruit Friday and make Friday evening

Menu so far;
Grilled Vegetable sandwichs on whole wheat
Mock Tuna salad sandwiches on rolls
Kale salad
Quinoa salad
Edible fruit display
Variety of tortilla and pita chips with avocado chutney, hummus and salsa
Variety of Nori rolls
Variety of cupcakes
Hibiscus tea with guava and a Floral mixed tea

Adventures in Sewing

I've always been kind of interested in sewing, but didn't really catch the bug until after my daughter was born. It was then that I really started to long to make her cloth diapers and clothing myself. My mother was a wonderful seamstress and made everything imaginable. I knew that if she was still with us, she would have made so many things for my daughter and taught me how to make those adorable diapers and covers she made for my nieces and nephews.

It took me awhile to gather up the time and supplies, but I was determined to sew my daughters 1st birthday dress. I bought some beautiful fabric back in December and was so excited to finally put it to use. I borrowed my sisters sewing machine and accessories, went through my mothers old patterns and bought some other things I would need for my projects. I wanted to make a simple dress for her actual birthday and then something slightly more fancy for her birthday party.

The most intense part for me was figuring out the patterns. I wound up getting 2 simpler patterns off Etsy for the dresses. I really wanted to use my mothers, but I just could not figure them out. I will use them in the future I'm sure.
I was quite amazed that I remembered how to load a bobbin and thread a machine. It all just came back to me. I used to spend hours at her feet while she sewed or playing around in her sewing room asking questions and "helping". I can't remember an exact lesson, but somehow all that my mother had taught me about sewing that was locked away in my brain somewhere came flowing out.
I did a couple of practice stitches on a scrap, but felt pretty comfortable quite quickly. My mother was guiding me for sure!

I'm no pro and I know with time my stitching and technique will get better, but I truly enjoyed making these dresses and can't wait to have my own sewing room! I'll continue to post my progress. Perhaps one day my daughter will be playing at my feet and "helping" while I'm sewing things for her.

(back of party dress)

(birthday dress)

(p.s, apologies for the horrid pics. Better ones to come)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Animal Acres

Yippee! I finally got to visit Animal Acres. I have been a supporter of theirs for years, but have never gotten the chance to visit. Lorri Houston has created such a beautiful sanctuary for rescued farm animals. At Animal Acres, they are nursed back to health and can live out the rest of their lives in a peaceful environment.
My family and I walked away with such a sense of love and compassion.
As my husband said, visiting Animal Acres is good for your soul.

Go for a visit, volunteer at the sanctuary or donate!